A content model documents all the different types of content you will have for a given project. It contains detailed definitions of each content type’s elements and their relationships to each other.

resource center for taxonomy

Resource Center for Creating a Winning Taxonomy

By Content Science

Access our subscriber-only resource center for a one-stop-shop for all you need to put together a winning taxonomy.

ecommerce taxonomy

How Thomson Reuters Is Reshaping Its Ecommerce Taxonomy to Reach More Customers

By Rachel Waskosky

Learn how Thomson Reuters built a new ecommerce taxonomy to serve the company's more than 300 websites.


An Alchemist’s Quest: Designing the Enterprise Content Model

By Marie Girard

IBM built an enterprise content model that turned masses of obscure content into a manageable business asset, driving growth and reducing costs.

content modeling fact sheet

Content Modeling Fact Sheet

By Content Science

Content Science identifies some of the important elements of content modeling in this fact sheet.

Events, Resources, + More

Workshop: Are You Ready for AI?

Is your organization really ready for AI at scale? Let the Content Science team guide your leaders through assessing 4 areas of readiness.

Course: Prompting Text Generative AI

Learn how to bring out the full potential of text generative AI to create impactful content from this on-demand course.

Webinar: Benchmarks for Content Effectiveness

It's not about more content. It's about more effective content. Gain tips based on Content Science's unique research + experience.

The Ultimate Guide to End-to-End Content

Discover why + how an end-to-end approach is critical in the age of AI with this comprehensive white paper.