It’s time to cast your vote for The Content Advantage cover! A new edition (the third) calls for a new look, and the Content Science team couldn’t be more excited about the options. Pick your favorite with the form below. (If you run into a problem, try this link instead.)

The third edition of The Content Advantage will feature

Learn more from this announcement and from Colleen Jones’ reflections on the fifth anniversary of the second edition.


The Author

Content Science partners with the world’s leading organizations to close the content gap in digital business. We bring together the complete capabilities you need to transform or scale your content approach. Through proprietary data, smart strategy, expert consulting, creative production, and one-of-a-kind products like ContentWRX and Content Science Academy, we turn insight into impact. Don’t simply compete on content. Win.

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20 Signs of a Content Problem in a High-Stakes Initiative

Use this white paper to diagnose the problem so you can achieve the right solution faster.

Workshop: Are You Ready for AI?

Is your organization really ready for AI at scale? Let the Content Science team guide your leaders through assessing 4 areas of readiness.

Course: Prompting Text Generative AI

Learn how to bring out the full potential of text generative AI to create impactful content from this on-demand course.

The Ultimate Guide to End-to-End Content

Discover why + how an end-to-end approach is critical in the age of AI with this comprehensive white paper.

Webinar: Taxonomy + Tagging

Make your content easy to find, share, personalize, and reuse.

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