When was the last time you took a 360 view of your organization’s content technology? Are you still relying on outdated and siloed technology that creates more problems than it solves? If so, now is a great time to take stock of what you have and figure out what you’re missing. The right content technology can help you work better, faster, and smarter.  

Why It’s Essential That You Revisit Your Content Technology Now

There are two main reasons that now is a crucial time to take a look at your content technology.

Reason One: The Digital Landscape Is Changing Rapidly 

Today, more so than ever before, people rely on content in digital experiences in their daily lives. Our customers, audiences, or employees expect the right content at the right time, regardless of channel—for the ENTIRE customer relationship. 

Related: Explore What Faster Digital Disruption Means For Content

The demands on content are driving innovation in related technology. So there is also an ever-expanding set of content technologies available.

content technology infographic 2024

Reason Two: Strong Content Technology Is Tied to Success

Companies embracing more advanced content technology, including artificial intelligence, are more likely to report content success. And, according to our content operations research, very successful organizations are more than twice as likely to offer personalized content experiences (52%) than slightly successful organizations (25%).

Related: What Role Will AI Play In The Future Of Content?

Graph showing how organizations are using AI for content

Top Tips for Selecting Content Technology 

If you’re ready to assess your content technology needs, the next step is to understand how to go about reviewing and selecting the technologies that are right for your organization. Follow these tips for content technology selection success. 

      1. Set the right expectations: Most likely, one CMS will not do it all. Think in terms of a content technology stack. Today, 41% of organizations are using SPECIALIZED content technology in addition to a CMS. 
      2. Get clear on your needs: To avoid being overwhelmed, identify what problems you’re trying to solve.
      3. Consider the ROI of the tool or technology: How will using the technology help you save money or earn more money?
        Value AreaAs Measured By
        Time savingsCost of employee time saved
        Ticket deflection savingsCost of tickets pre-empted
        Brand adherenceRevenue uplift
        CSAT increaseRetention increase
        Customer acquisition increaseCustomers acquired
        Customer account growthAdditional offers/services
        Legal & complianceFine and penalty avoidance
      4. Analyze the tech you already have: Identify redundancies and gaps in comparison to your needs.
    Example gap analysis worksheet for content technology evaluation
    Example gap analysis worksheet for content technology evaluation


    1. Use an appropriate process: Consider whether you really need to use a traditional RFP approach. Avoid a process that significantly limits your ability to interact with the technology and implementation vendors. For technologies requiring a sizable investment, consider asking for
      • A response to an RFI (request for information) with a specific cost range / estimate based on your priority requirements and use cases
      • A demo based on your priority requirements and use cases
      • A pilot based on priority use cases
    2. Involve the right people: A great selection process involves more people than the IT department, throughout the process. Prioritize including
      • The content contributors
      • The content stakeholders

Moving Forward

The insights in this article are from Content Science’s webinar about selecting content technology. To learn more about content technology, check out the full webinar. You can also use these resources to get more information about content technology 

The Author

Content Science partners with the world’s leading organizations to close the content gap in digital business. We bring together the complete capabilities you need to transform or scale your content approach. Through proprietary data, smart strategy, expert consulting, creative production, and one-of-a-kind products like ContentWRX and Content Science Academy, we turn insight into impact. Don’t simply compete on content. Win.

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