“It’s a time of change if not downright upheaval” – Colleen Jones, Founder of Content Science. 

That means big challenges and big opportunities for leaders at every company and organization. This webinar examines how a range of trends impact content and explores how to respond.

In the 2024 edition of this annual event, Jones and the Content Science team share:

  • Six key trends, including generative AI, that have an impact on content now.
  • Facts and statistics from Content Science research and outside sources such as Pew Research and World Economic Forum
  • How these trends intensify extremes for content (the good and the bad)
  • Why the way forward is end-to-end approach consisting of three crucial systems
  • Examples and perspectives from leaders at Mastercard, Johns Hopkins, Thomson Reuters, March of Dimes, and more.

And, yes, there are Star Wars references.

To access the full video and download the presentation, log in if you’re a subscriber, or you can become a subscriber here.


The Author

Content Science partners with the world’s leading organizations to close the content gap in digital business. We bring together the complete capabilities you need to transform or scale your content approach. Through proprietary data, smart strategy, expert consulting, creative production, and one-of-a-kind products like ContentWRX and Content Science Academy, we turn insight into impact. Don’t simply compete on content. Win.

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