Since our recent infodemic, I’ve embraced fighting misinformation mayhem as a mission. And fortunately I’m not the only one. There are many promising developments. At the same time, we’re learning more about the consequences of misinformation and disinformation. The Content Science team and I have rounded up what’s happening to share with you so we can both celebrate progress and realize how much work lies ahead.

Reach and Impact of Misinformation / Disinformation

Preventing Misinformation / Disinformation

We’re seeing more results from research exploring techniques to stop it and more perspectives from a range of stakeholders.

  • The Problem with Disinformation, Through the Lens of a Spanish-Language Fact-Checker
    Excellent perspective from the founder of Factchequeado

Improving Online + Civic Literacy

Fact checking sites like Politifact and Snopes are still going strong (thank goodness), and more organizations are working to help people recognize or sidestep misinformation.

Increasing Accountability for Platforms + Industries

I’m never in favor of excessive regulation. But we can’t have the free-for-all we witnessed during the pandemic on social media and with crypto. So I’m glad to see more steps toward accountability for platforms and industries that have proven they can’t govern themselves effectively.

So, cheers to the progress we’re making in understanding and fighting misinformation. I look forward to more.

The Author

Colleen Jones is the author of the top-rated book The Content Advantage and president of Content Science, a growing professional services firm that turns content insight into impact. She has advised or trained hundreds of leading companies and organizations as they close the content gap in their digital transformations. A passionate entrepreneur, Colleen has led Content Science to develop the content intelligence software ContentWRX, publish the online magazine Content Science Review, and offer online certifications and training through Content Science Academy.

A member of Mensa and crusader against misinformation, Colleen has earned recognition as a top instructor on LinkedIn Learning, one of the Top 50 Most Influential Women in Content Marketing, and a Content Change Agent by Intercom Magazine. She speaks about content issues in artificial intelligence, digital transformation, and customer experience at corporate and industry events around the world.

Follow Colleen on LinkedIn.

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