From the average number of emails people receive per day to where consumers spend the most time online, we have put together a list of essential content facts, statistics, and quotes to help you shape your content vision and strategy.

Each year, Content Science releases these content statistics in the updated infographic 50 Crucial Content Facts. We thoroughly research and collect these content facts from Content Science studies as well as other reliable resources such as Forrester and Pew Research Center.

The content facts are broken into five categories:

  • Content Consumption
  • Content Operations
  • Content Intelligence + Effectiveness
  • Content Channels
  • Content Automation + Personalization

Here are some highlights from this year’s updated fact sheet.

Content Consumption

The average person receives over 140 emails per day—one every three and a half minutes. — The Radicati Group

U.S. consumers now spend more time with their mobile devices than they do watching TV. The average adult spends three hours on a smartphone each day. — Emarketer

Content Operations

Global leadership advisory and search firm Russell Reynolds Associates has identified more than 60 content executives within leading non-media organizations; about 50% of them were hired in just the past two years. — Russell Reynolds Associates

“Effective content starts not with strategy but with a vision that is clear, ambitious, and unique.” — Colleen Jones, Founder of Content Science, The Content Advantage

Content Intelligence + Effectiveness

Only 35% of content teams regularly evaluate content effectiveness or impact. The most frequent reason why is lack of time, followed by vague goals. — Content Science, Content Operations Study

71.7% of people who said that content [in a digital experience] was not relevant indicated the content was too general. — ContentWRX

Content Channels

Mobile conversions increased from 39% in 2018 to 49% in 2019. But desktop users are still more likely to convert—desktop visitors convert 60% more than mobile visitors, and conversions from a desktop device are worth 93% more than mobile conversions. — AccuraCast

Seven out of 10 U.S. agency and marketing professionals advertise in influencer videos, and 43% expected to spend more on the format in 2019. — eMarketer

Content Automation + Personalization

Over 80 percent of CEOs consider artificial intelligence and machine learning either “very important” or “extremely important” to the future of the company—a huge increase from 54 percent in 2016. — The Content Advantage

54% of marketers report seeing a lift of more than 10% from their personalization efforts. 13% see a lift of more than 30%. — Evergage

To get all of the content facts, visit 

The Author

Content Science partners with the world’s leading organizations to close the content gap in digital business. We bring together the complete capabilities you need to transform or scale your content approach. Through proprietary data, smart strategy, expert consulting, creative production, and one-of-a-kind products like ContentWRX and Content Science Academy, we turn insight into impact. Don’t simply compete on content. Win.

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