Joseph Dickerson

Joseph Dickerson is a past UX Lead at Microsoft with a diverse background in application design and development, information architecture, user research, and usability testing. Dickerson currently manages a design team at ZoomInfo, working on cutting-edge B2B solutions for companies around the world. He has led design teams for companies around the world, as well as headed ethnographic research efforts on multiple mission-critical focus areas. He has authored seven books, including two books on user experience design: the recently updated “Experience (Still) Matters: Essays, Tactics and Lessons in User Experience Design” and “UX101: A Primer on User Experience Design.”

Events, Resources, + More

5 Secrets of Content Ops Success: Webinar

Learn how the most successful organizations scale and mature content operations. Based on our research with 700+ content leaders and professionals.

The Ultimate Guide to End-to-End Content

Discover why + how an end-to-end approach is critical in the age of AI with this comprehensive white paper.

The Content Advantage Book

Learn more about the much-anticipated third edition of the highly rated book by Colleen Jones. Preorder the electronic version.

20 Signs of a Content Problem in a High-Stakes Initiative

Use this white paper to diagnose the problem so you can achieve the right solution faster.

Workshop: Are You Ready for AI?

Is your organization really ready for AI at scale? Let the Content Science team guide your leaders through assessing 4 areas of readiness.

Upskill with Content Science Academy

Training for modern content roles through on-demand certifications + courses or live workshops.