Sometimes, a name changes to convey a deeper transformation to a product, brand, or company. But that deeper change never quite happens. Think Tronc. Sometimes, a name change feels so right it’s hard to imagine the old name. Pepsi, Olay, and Google come to mind.
My hope is changing the title for the second edition of my first book to The Content Advantage falls into the latter category.
Why did I change the title? I still love the first edition, Clout, for articulating the value of building trust and influence through content almost 8 years ago. And, so much has happened in digital business, the evolution of content practice, and my own research and experience since then. I changed the title to reflect the fact this edition is not simply a light refresh. It’s a substantive change.
So here are three changes to expect.
In the first edition, I left the explanation of content analysis and content strategy up to other sources. But over the past 8 years I have experimented, along with the Content Science team, with approaches to content analysis and content strategy across many different organizations. Let’s just say we have learned a lot! I’m passing on many lessons learned in The Content Advantage.
Additionally, I include more analysis about why content is critical to digital business or, if you like, digital transformation. If you’re making a case for content, my hope is this book will help.
When I wrote the first edition, businesses hardly even knew what an editorial calendar was. Now, we have companies such as Red Bull, which has become a media empire that happens to sell energy drinks. I’m not saying every company should go that far, but every company needs the right content for the right customer in the right touchpoint at the right time. That takes not only strategy but also well-executed content operations.
We’ll cover not simply content creation issues such as workflow but also issues to help companies scale, such as content leadership, content intelligence, and content automation. And, of course, it’s tough to talk about those without exploring artificial intelligence and machine learning.
This book will still cover key principles for effective and influential content. I introduce the dimensions of content effectiveness. And, of course, I showcase updated examples from industries ranging from credit monitoring to manufacturing to health and wellness to travel. I also address predictions I made in the first edition. (Yikes!) And, I consider what the content future has in store.
I’m thrilled with the way this second edition is taking shape, and I hope you find it useful. I’m lucky to have content leaders at large companies such as Google, Dell, Facebook, and AT&T as well as small business owners reviewing drafts and sharing their two cents.
Discover why + how an end-to-end approach is critical in the age of AI with this comprehensive white paper.
The much-anticipated third edition of the highly rated book by Colleen Jones is available at book retailers worldwide. Learn more!
Use this white paper to diagnose the problem so you can achieve the right solution faster.
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